SCENE II. [ The same. ]

LOVEWIT, Neighbours

Love. [Knocks again.] I will.

[Enter FACE in his butler's livery]

Face. What mean you, sir?

1, 2, 4 Nei. O, here's Jeremy!

Face. Good sir, come from the door.

Love. Why, what's the matter?

Face. Yet farther, you are too near yet.

Love. In the name of wonder,

What means the fellow!

Face. The house, sir, has been visited.

Love. What, with the plague? Stand thou then farther.

Face. No, sir,

I had it not.

Love. Who had it then? I left

None else but thee i' the house.

Face. Yes, sir, my fellow,

The cat that kept the buttery, had it on her

A week before I spied it; but I got her

Convey'd away i' the night: and so I shut

The house up for a month——

Love. How!

Face. Purposing then, sir,

To have burnt rose-vinegar, treacle, and tar,

And have made it sweet, that you should ne'er ha' known it;

Because I knew the news would but afflict you, sir.

Love. Breathe less, and farther off! Why this is stranger:

The neighbours tell me all here that the doors

Have still been open——

Face. How, sir!

Love. Gallants, men and women,

And of all sorts, tag-rag, been seen to flock here

In threaves,〖Literally, two dozen sheaves; droves.〗 these ten weeks, as to a second Hogsden,

In days of Pimlico and Eye-bright.〖A suburban tavern, eclipsed as a resort by Pimlico.〗

Face. Sir,

Their wisdoms will not say so.

Love. To-day they speak

Of coaches and gallants; one in a French hood

Went in, they tell me; and another was seen

In a velvet gown at the window: divers more

Pass in and out.

Face. They did pass through the doors then,

Or walls, I assure their eye-sights, and their spectacles;

For here, sir, are the keys, and here have been,

In this my pocket, now above twenty days!

And for before, I kept the fort alone there.

But that 'tis yet not deep i' the afternoon,

I should believe my neighbours had seen double

Through the black pot,〖With drinking.〗 and made these apparitions!

For, on my faith to your worship, for these three weeks

And upwards, the door has not been open'd.

Love. Strange!

1 Nei. Good faith, I think I saw a coach.

2 Nei. And I too,

I'd ha' been sworn.

Love. Do you but think it now?

And but one coach?

4 Nei. We cannot tell, sir: Jeremy

Is a very honest fellow.

Face. Did you see me at all?

1 Nei. No; that we are sure on.

2 Nei. I'll be sworn o' that.

Love. Fine rogues to have your testimonies built on!

[Re-enter third Neighbour, with his tools]

3 Nei. Is Jeremy come!

1 Nei. O yes; you may leave your tools;

We were deceiv'd, he says.

2 Nei. He has had the keys;

And the door has been shut these three weeks.

3 Nei. Like enough.

Love. Peace, and get hence, you changelings.

[Enter SURLY and MAMMON]

Face. [Aside.] Surly come!

And Mammon made acquainted! They'll tell all.

How shall I beat them off? What shall I do?

Nothing's more wretched than a guilty conscience.

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